School Clubs

Archaeology Explorers Club 

The Archaeology Explorers have had a busy first few weeks! We have received letters every week from our friend Mohammed the camel who lives in the Egyptian desert and he sets us exciting new challenges. So far we have went on our very first excavation in the sand where we dug up lots of exciting and interesting Egyptian artefacts. We found money, jewellery and bits of clothing. We then investigated all of the stuff we found and what the people of Ancient Egypt used it for.

In our second week we have started to make Egyptian necklaces, built fantastic pyramids out of Lego and K’nex and designed Egyptian tomb masks.

Our Egyptian necklaces have turned out fantastic and we have been wearing them proudly. We received more messages from our friend Mohammed the camel except this time they were in Egyptian hieroglyphics. We had to work as a team to translate the messages and found out some very interesting facts all about Egypt.


History Club

Week One-Egypt (Mummification)

History club got off to a flying start this week as our group began learning about the Ancient Egyptians! Quite a few of us are currently learning about Egypt as our class topics so we were able to share facts with each other.  We had a look at Egyptian fashion, how the Egyptians lived day to day and the Egyptian’s obsession with death! We studied mummification and had a go at making our own mummies during our mummy race group challenge.


Week Two-Egypt:Hieroglyphics

This week we delved a little deeper into the world of Ancient Egypt by using Egyptian hieroglyphics. We studied the Egyptian hieroglyphic alphabet and used these to write secret messages to our partners which they had to crack using the hieroglyphics code. Finally, our new hieroglyphics knowledge was really put to the test when we were set a treasure hunt challenge. All the clues had to be translated from hieroglyphics to make sense! After a little while searching around the school, we cracked the code and found our chocolate prize. Delicious!

Week Three-The Vikings: Fact File

We started learning about the The Vikings in History club this week. We worked in pairs to research Viking facts on our laptops and used media clips to gather interesting information. We discovered that Vikings were fierce warriors and that to get to Valhalla, Vikings had to die in battle! We also found out some of the reasons why the Vikings came to Britain. While we thought all Vikings came to Britain to fight and steal, some Vikings came to trade or farm here.

Week Four-Vikings: Shield Making

After researching what Vikings wore in battle, we decided to make our own Viking shields. While Viking shields were made of metal and wood and had traditional designs, we decided to make ours a little bit more colourful. Our shields turned out beautifully; however, we’re not sure the cardboard would be great for a battle! We also found out that Vikings didn’t actually have the horns on their helmets that they’re known for!

Week Five-The Romans: Roman life/Roman food

This week we began learning about the Romans. As we are throwing a Roman banquet for our last week in History Club, we decided it was very important that we looked at what the Romans used to eat. We found out that rich Romans used to hold feasts and ate a lot of meat such as pheasant, veal and even honey dipped dormouse. The slaves of rich Romans even had to feed their rich bosses during feasts sometimes! However, poorer Romans weren’t able to eat quite as much and mostly ate bread, oatmeal and vegetables. After our research we feel very ready to host our Roman feast; however, we think we’ll give the dormouse a miss!


Week 6- The Romans: Roman Feast

For our last week at History Club, we decided to celebrate by throwing a Roman feast! We tried foods such as dates, figs, different cheeses, crusty bread and olives. We also enjoyed lots of healthy vegetables with dips. We invited our families/friends along to our feast and got to try some Roman themed activities together. It was lovely to be able to share our learning. Thank you to all who attended! 🙂

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