A free online session is being offered to any North Ayrshire parents/carers who are supporting a young person who is self-harming or who may be at risk of self-harming. Monday 21st February 2022 from 1830-1930. To sign up, click on the link.
St Matthew's Academy Family Learning
Learning resources and events for parents/carers and pupils
A free online session is being offered to any North Ayrshire parents/carers who are supporting a young person who is self-harming or who may be at risk of self-harming. Monday 21st February 2022 from 1830-1930. To sign up, click on the link.
‘Asking for help’ is an excellent booklet that covers the basic signs and symptoms of common mental health conditions, as well as helping young people know how to talk to their teachers, GPs, parents or friends about their mental health concerns.
‘Starting the Conversation’ a booklet of practical tips on talking to boys and young men about mental health. It also contains information on the impact of trauma and steps to take to identify and manage self-harm.
Click the link to access
To register for the webinar, click on the link below:-
If you missed the Scottish Centre for Conflict Resolution’s session tonight, you will find the slides below. Look out for more sessions like this by following our Twitter account @stmattsfamily.
For more resources and information, see their website below.
Returning to school may be difficult for your son or daughter. Here you will find advice and tips to help them stay calm. By trying different techniques, you can build a tool kit that will help to ease anxiety.
helping your child to cope with anxiety
Week 4 of our programme looks at developing a tool kit that will work for your child. You will find the links to the videos and booklets below for you to download.
Action plan for stressful situations
Little Book of Health and Wellbeing
Key themes for week 3
*Fight or Flight is part of our response to situations. Our brain responds in the same way no matter the severity of the situation.
*We can’t feel good all of the time. Experiencing loss, stress, anxiety, anger at the appropriate time actually helps us to feel happier in the longer term.
*To minimise acute periods of anxiety/stress, support your brain to think in the present (avoiding unhelpful thinking) through self care and mindfulness. This takes time to regulate your thoughts which we know impacts on our feelings and behaviour.
*Supporting your child to develop an emotionally rich vocabulary to name feelings will help them to recognise how they feel towards situations. In turn this can help to change thoughts/behaviours. (emotion wheel)
*Being able to understand your tolerance to situations and know where to seek help from yourself or others (Emotion thermometer)
*Persevering with the tools will help your child to make sense of different situations, understand their reaction (emotional or behavioural). It can help to form an action plan to manage situations/feelings effectively. (e.g. 5 factor model, thought record, identifying unhelpful thinking styles to change perspective/behaviour).