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Money Matters – Financial Help Factsheet
During the last 18 months, the Covid pandemic has had a significant on people’s household finances. If your financial situation has changed, you can speak to Audrey, our welfare rights officer from Money Matters for advice and support.
Here you will find a list of the services that Money Matters can provide.
School Transport
For more information about transport to and from school, see the link below.
North Ayrshire Fairer Food Larders
Click on the link to find out where your closest Fairer Food Larder
Money Matters North Ayrshire
Click on the link to access Money Matters
Clothing and Footwear Grants
Help is available for clothing, footwear and free school meals. Click on the link for more information and see if you are eligible to claim.
Education Maintenance Allowance (EMA)
Education Maintenance Allowance provides financial support of £30 a week for 16 to 19 year olds from low-income households who are continuing in full-time education. EMA can help young people cover basic school costs, such as
travel, uniform and additional resources. Young people applying for EMA need information about their parents’ income to prove their eligibility and must complete a learning agreement.
For more information, go to:-
Useful Contacts
Debt advice
■■ Scotland’s Financial Health Service
Find a local money adviser at www.scotlandsfinancialhealthservice.gov.uk or use their helpline 0800 707 6696
■■ National Debt line
Free impartial debt advice at www.nationaldebtline.org or on 0808 808 4000
Benefits check and support
■■ Citizens Advice Scotland
Information and advice to help people resolve their money, legal and other problems. Find a local advice bureau
at www.cas.org.uk/bureaux
■■ Turn2Us
Helps people in financial hardship to gain access to welfare benefits, charitable grants and support services www.turn2us.org.uk
■■ Housing Associations
Most Housing Associations have welfare rights services for tenants.
Housing advice
■■ Shelter Scotland at
https://scotland.shelter.org.uk/get_advice or on 0808 800 444
Domestic abuse support
■■ Scottish Women’s Aid at helpline@sdafmh.org.uk or 0800 027 1234
This resource was originally developed as part of the Cost of the School Day Glasgow project with the support of
the following organisations:
Housing advice
■■ Shelter Scotland at
https://scotland.shelter.org.uk/get_advice or
on 0808 800 444
Domestic abuse support
■■ Scottish Women’s Aid at
helpline@sdafmh.org.uk or 0800 027 1234
This resource was originally developed as part of the Cost of the School Day Glasgow project.