Tag Archives: natural disasters

3.4 Dead Earth

7/6/2016 As part of our dead earth investigation we are studying climate change, its potential causes and the impact it has on our lives. First drafts of our Natural Disaster investigations. We are going to review each others work and make changes to improve on our first drafts.

We have assessed our work using the following criteria;

  1. is the natural disaster clearly explained?
  2. Are the effects of the disaster discussed?
  3. Is an example of this type of disaster included?
  4. If the disaster is caused by climate change, is this explained?
  5. Is the work informative or did you need more information?

Flooding by harvey and ross

Wildfires by Isla and Vanessa

Tsunami Logan, Luke and Damian

Tsunami emma and Nicola

Heat WaveHeat wave by lg

Flooding By Ross

Cyclones robbie, murron and niamh

Wildfires by Richi Joshua and Alistair