Head Teacher Introduction
It gives me great pleasure to welcome all prospective parents/carers and young people to our school community. The move to secondary school, whether it be the transition from primary or indeed a change of school, is undoubtedly one of life’s milestones and an event that is looked forward to with much excitement and at times a little trepidation by children and their parents. This handbook is designed to give as much information as possible about the school, its aims and the opportunities which we will hope to offer your child to help them develop into a confident and successful young adult. Ardrossan Academy is a fully comprehensive, six year non-denominational school which serves the towns of Ardrossan, Saltcoats and West Kilbride. The school roll currently stands at 865 pupils, with a teaching staff complement of approximately 62 full time equivalent. In addition, we have seven Classroom Assistants who help in a variety of ways to support staff and pupils around the school. It is our aim that all pupils will make a success of their time at Ardrossan Academy, that they will work hard and make full use of the opportunities the school provides and that they will find their years here happy and enjoyable. We also value full parental involvement, support and partnership with us in providing your son/daughter with the highest standard of education and helping them to reach the best possible standards of attainment and wider achievement. I hope this handbook will give you an insight into what will soon be your child’s school and answer any questions that you might have. However, should you wish further information please do not hesitate to contact me directly.
Anne Anderson Head Teacher