The next Eco-Schools Award we are aiming for is the Silver award.
This is what we have to do to achieve this award:
- Pupils put themselves forward to be part of a decision making environmental committee
- There is representation from the parents on the committee
- The committee meets a minimum of once every half-term
- A written account of meetings is kept
- Pupils share responsibility with adults for keeping a record of the meetings
- Pupil representatives ensure that there is communication to and from the committee to the rest of the school
Environmental Review
- Pupils and adults plan how to carry out an environmental review of the school
- A review document (the Eco-Schools Environmental Review or the school’s own checklist) is used and the results recorded
- Results of the review are made known to the whole school
- The Eco Committee plans action resulting from the review
Action Plan
- Eco Committee draws up a plan for environmental action
- Action plan includes specific targets with a time-frame for completion
- A range of action is planned covering more than one aspect of environmental management
Monitoring and Evaluation
- The Eco Committee reviews progress against set targets
- The Eco Committee reports progress to whole school by appropriate means on a regular basis
- The value of activities and action is understood and is committed to by the whole school – pupils and adults
Linking to the curriculum
- Some aspects of Eco-Schools activities are integrated into the school curriculum for most year groups.
Involving the wider community
- An Eco-Schools notice board is kept in a prominent position within the school
- The whole school is kept informed and involved in activities through assembly presentations or newsletters
- The whole school engages in a number of Eco-Schools activities such as paper recycling and improving school grounds
- Parents are involved in Eco-Schools activities
- Eco-Schools activities are reported in local newspapers and/or local radio
- There is a display in the school foyer for visitors to look at
Eco Code
- The Eco Committee suggests an Eco Code to the school for their agreement
- The Eco Code is displayed on the Eco-Schools notice board