Folio Writing

General Format for Folio Essays:

Typed essays should be: 1.5 line spacing, Times New Roman, size 12, left or fully justified.

Word Count is between 500 and 1000 words so try to be up around 700/800/900.  Try not to go vastly over the upper limit.

EnglishCourseworkTemplate(2018-19) (1) – SQA Folio Template

Instructions for the submission of National 5 and Higher English coursework (portfolios) November 2017 (1) – Portfolio Instructions

Creative Pieces:

1. Monologue (could be based around ‘Your Shoes’ Your Shoes by Michele Roberts)

Remember that the monologue should be in first person (as though you are the character, speaking aloud their thoughts) and switch from the present situation/location into past memories which reveal the character’s state of mind/situation/journey.

Try to include a symbol which links to meaning and their journey (you don’t have to use shoes) and think about how to include this and describe it at different points in the monologue.  Use lots of description, imagery, word choice for effect.  Make sure there is a clear theme and message overall and don’t forget to give the monologue a ‘clever’ title which subtly links to your meaning.

Monologue Advice:

writing a monologue – PowerPoint with some advice about monologue writing (This is quite detailed/complex but may contain some details that will help in the planning/writing of your monologue – last 2 slides)

See the examples below for the style, structure and approach:

How did I end up here; monologue; Shattered Dreams Monologue

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