
In Art we were looking for signs of Spring.  We have noticed lots of blossom on the trees.  We painted a blue sky, remembering to mix colours to make our paintings more interesting and individual.  When these paintings were dry we used card to print trees on the sky background.  We then used our fingers to put pink dots for blossom on the trees.  It was a messy but fun activity.

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As part of our context for learning, Light and Sound, we took advantage of the sunny weather last week to go out into the playground and draw round our shadows.  We have been learning why we have shadows.  Ask your child and see if he/she can tell you!  104_4406 104_4395 104_4396 104_4397 104_4398 104_4399 104_4400 104_4401 104_4402 104_4403 104_4404 104_4405

P3 and P3/4 Swimming

P3 and P3/4 will have the opportunity to go swimming for the next 6 weeks starting on Wednesday 22nd April. P3 will go from 11.30 -12 noon, and P3/4 from 12 noon – 12.30.  There is a letter home. Any  offers of help to go into the pool with the children will be appreciated.  


Term 4

Welcome back to what I am sure will be a very busy final term in P3/4.

Our context for learning is Light and Sound.  Today we did a carousel activity where we thought about;

  • What we know already
  • What we are interested in finding out about
  • Where we will find out about the topic
  • A list of activities we would like to do104_2060 104_2054 104_2055 104_2056 104_2057 104_2058 104_2059

If any parents/carers, friends or family members can help us in any way we would be glad to hear from you.

BFG Open Afternoon

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Thanks for the feedback on the afternoon.  Everyone enjoyed the opportunity to share their child’s learning and spend quality time with him/her, even if we had to fit a lot of people into the class.

This week’s challenge

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We have been reading about the BFG and Sophie visiting the Queen at Buckingham Palace.

Today we were set a challenge. In our groups we had to build a palace fit for the Queen. It had to have:

  • at least 20 windows
  • at least 3 arches
  • a flag flying from the roof
  • an impressive front door

We had to decide in our groups who would have the following jobs:

  • time keeper
  • materials manager
  • facilitator
  • quality checker

We then had one hour to build our palaces using:

  • paper
  • cardboard boxes
  • glue

The photos show the production process.



BFG Open Afternoon

We would like to remind our families that they are welcome to attend our BFG Open Afternoon on Monday 23rd March from 1.30 – 2.30pm. Come and join in the fun!  Hope to see you there.


P3 and P3/4  have been learning to knit, thanks to the knitting nannas who have come into school to work with us.  Thanks also go to friends, Mums and grannies who have also come in to help us. 

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Homework Challenge

The children worked hard to prepare a short presentation on their favourite book. Some children produced a leaflet, others a poster or fact sheet. The presentations were peer assessed, with children offering some good advice on how to make their work even better next time.

Here are some photos.


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Visit from SSPCA

We enjoyed a visit from Carol from the SSPCA.  She told us about the very important work they do.  They are involved in saving thousands of wild, farm and domestic animals each year. We were shown some of the equipment they use to help them save animals when they get into dangerous situations.



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Have a look at our photos to see what we got up to.



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