Swimming news

Weather permitting the school sports will be held on 27th May for both the P3 children in the morning and the P4 children in the afternoon.  There will be no swimming on that day unless it rains and the event has to be cancelled. The children should bring their PE and swimming kits to school with them on Wednesday. Thank you.

Music with Mrs Norman

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In music today, with our visiting specialist Mrs Norman, we really enjoyed the opportunity to play the xylophones.  We were working on our eye/hand co-ordination and learning to use two beaters. Mrs Butterly enjoyed our performance at the end of the lesson.

Do all materials let light shine through?

In our groups we did an experiment to see if light gets through all materials.    Sienna

We sorted our materials into three piles.     Connor

 We predicted which materials would let light through easily, which ones would let some light through and which ones would not.     Kaidey and Bailey

 We then shone the torch through the materials.     Nicole

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We matched the materials with the headings.    Kian

We recorded our results.

Kyle, Keiran and Marley made a poster during Literacy to show what we  had done.


Busy week

It has been another busy week in P3/4. The children are enjoying their swimming lessons. If any family members are free to join us in the pool we would be very grateful for your help. As some of the children are still seven years old we need helpers in the pool.

We have also been practising for our sports day and we are hoping for good weather on  27th May.

In writing we produced information posters about keeping safe in the sun. In context work the children had been learning about the dangers of the sun and some ways we can stay healthy. We used what we had learned to make bright, colourful posters giving lots of information on the subject.

In Music we were learning to play the xylophone with Mrs Norman.