Santa made a special visit on the last day of term!
Cup cakes
Out and about, whatever the weather!
We like to go out into the local community to the Burnie Centre to use the soft play room, to the swimming pool and to the local park – whatever the weather!
Burns Day
We were learning about Robbie Burns today, reading about his life, trying to work out what his poetry meant and listening to some of his songs. However, I think the favourite part was having some haggis, neeps and tatties.
Some boys learning how to work together by following instructions and building a lego fire station. It’s taking a long time but they’re doing it as a group.
New Year’s Resolutions
A lot of the new year’s resolution made involved improving handwriting, getting better at reading or “getting more ticks”. I think the boys are trying really hard to keep their resolutions!
Happy New Year
I hope everyone had a great holiday.
This term we are learning about how to keep ourselves healthy. We will look at lots of aspects of health including what we eat, exercise, the importance of sleep and keeping our teeth clean.
First Post
News and photos from all children in room 3 will appear here.
First Post
News and photos from Mrs Ramsay will appear here.