KGS Closed Monday 23/3/20

Covid 19 ParentsCarers

We are in uncertain times and none of us can predict what will happen later today let alone, tomorrow or next week. Teachers worked amazingly hard on Friday to put together a programme of work for seniors this coming week, inviting certain pupils to complete SQA work only as needed.

However, today the Scottish Government has announced that all schools must close as this is the safest course of action for us all. Having watched the news unfold this weekend, this is something of a relief for many:  the idea of mixing with others in school goes against all the advice to #stayathome after all.

I have attached the letter we sent out earlier to parents and carers but wanted to add that we will not give up on securing the best results for our senior students by working with SQA to provide the best evidence we have. I know many seniors and their families are worried about this but please; let us do the worrying. There is nothing you can do at this point in time. Everyone in Scotland and beyond is in the same situation. This has never happened before and we promise to do the best we can in the circumstances. I know your teachers did this last week and will continue to do so. You need to focus on keeping safe and well whilst protecting those around you by keeping your distance and washing your hands!

We may not be together in the building but we are still a school. We will get through this by working together but apart.

Mrs Bain,  Acting Rector