R+R Days (Morgan & Rosie)

After our week long trek, we arrived in Alleppey for 2 days of R+R which we were all excited for. First day we had a chill day on the house boat along the beautiful Kerala backwaters where we had the chance to sun bathe (or burn for some of us)

The second day we had an earlier start to get to kayaking which was followed by cycling. The 6 hours of physical exercise and heat shattered us all but was well worth while and throughly enjoyed by everyone. We were already drenched by kayaking, but had to be topped off by cycling in the monsoon rain.

After this fun filled day we returned to the guest house and packed up in preparation for travelling to Jodhpur, where we had to get the bus at 1am in order to catch a flight at 6. This was followed by a 13 hour sleeper train which was interesting to say the least!

Overall the 2 days of travelling was a small price to pay for the amazing guest house weโ€™ve arrived at for our project (home to a sausage dog called Chilli which we all adore)

– Modge and Roz

7 thoughts on “R+R Days (Morgan & Rosie)”

  1. My lordie lordie – I hope you all had your hand gel close by………….and used it by the bucket load!!!!
    What an amazing experience you are having – bet the house boat was fun and a nice way to switch off for awee while ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ™‚ We’ve had a wee drop of rain here today but nothing like the monsoon rain you are having!!
    The Inverness Blackies send love and hugs to Ailsa – we were at Iona’s birthday BBQ today – Uncle Craig managed not to burn the burgers!!!
    love and hugs from Garmouth xxxxx

  2. Hey Morven i hope you are having loads of fun because it certainly looks it. Thats me just back from banchory i got 1258 as my score i was shooting pretty good but it wasnt the same without you. missing you loads and love you lots cant wait to hear from you. ๐Ÿ˜Šโค

  3. Lovely to hear from you all. You all look like you are enjoying yourselves, smiles all round. Watched a program last night that showed Kochi and Alleppey it looked amazing.
    Love to Adam and Morven

  4. What an adventure you’re all having! I hope Caitlin has caught up with the team ! I know she definitely arrived in Delhi! Love and luck to you all!!

  5. Hi mum itโ€™s caitlin, Iโ€™m alive ๐Ÿ˜‚ made my way through the airport okay, wasnโ€™t as hard as I was worrying it would be. Hope all is good at home, love you x

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