Trek days 3 + 4

Our first day in charge started off tough as we had a 1km steep hill that was technical in parts to climb to reach our highest point of the trek. We took plenty of photos at the top, that no doubt will become Facebook profile photos when we are back!

Our next challenge came in the form of leeches as over our 2/3 days in charge a leech apocalypse had emerged. Not even the leech socks could deny them. We also got our first monsoon experience and despite being soaked through and dripping wet we were all high spirited and made good fun of it.

Adam and Grace😊

9 thoughts on “Trek days 3 + 4”

  1. So glad to hear you have all made it in one piece! Sounds like you have had an amazing time. ( don’t like the sound of the leeches though!!!) Well done. Hope your all looking forward to the next part of your adventure. Adam missing you lots xx

  2. Wow what adventures you’ve had over the first week, so looking forward to hearing all about it. Love you lots Rosie, house very quiet without you xx

  3. Well done guys! Hope everyone deeing fine! Cana wait to hear a aboot it! Sky planner nearly full with love island Morgan ! 😜

  4. Hope your having a great time Morven looking forward to hearing your stories and seeing your photos. It sounds amazing so far. Hope it’s not to hot and your all keeping well.
    Dad xx

  5. Hi to all, sounds like the Trek was eventful and fun. Its a bit dreich here too πŸ˜‚, no leatches though. Looking forward to the next blog. Love and hugs to Lauren xx

  6. Hi to all, sounds like the Trek was eventful and fun. Its a bit dreich here too πŸ˜‚, no leatches though. Looking forward to the next blog. Love and hugs to Lauren, Ailsa missing you lots xx

  7. Hi everyone πŸ™‚
    Fab photos – look forward to seeing more of your adventures – hope all well and safe
    love and hugs to Ailsa B xxxxxxxxx

  8. Glad you are all having the time of your lifes. Stay safe. Missing you Grace. Love mum xx

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