Easter Story

Today we acted out the story of Easter and discussed values and feelings along the way. I then challenged the children to act out what they thought would happen over the next few days – fascinating!


Each of the seven groups came up with different scenarios! One group thought Jesus would seek revenge and kill the people who had crucified him but when we discussed this most children agreed that Jesus would never kill anyone else- he would always make good choices. Another group thought Judas would try to kill Jesus again and others thought Judas would kidnap Mary first and then kill Jesus. Lots of very interesting discussion.

After that we held an egg hunt – I asked the children to find a partner and then number themselves 1 and 2. The 1’s had to go and hide and egg in one area and the 2’s went somewhere else. We then all re-gathered and the 2’s went to the 1 area and vice versa. In the end there were a few people who hadn’t found and egg so everyone was asked to go back to see if the egg they had hidden was still there and if it was they needed to stand next to it. Somehow or other one egg went missing so our classroom assistant gave up her egg to the child who didn’t have one. Everyone was happy but next time I must take extra eggs!

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