FANG Article


Recent Article on the Rights Respecting School written by the Forres Academy News Group (FANG)

Article taken from: FANG

Rights Respecting School Pupils Take a Stand By Heather Prentice and Erin Thomson

A group of S4 pupils from the Wider Achievements Rights Respecting Schools, gave a presentation to several S2 PSE classes in order to raise awareness of the course and the UN convention on the rights of children. The group, consisting of five S4 pupils, Matthew Adamson, Courtney Forrester, Leonie MacLennan, Abigail Smith and team leader Jack Slinger, organised the presentation which will go towards the Rights Respecting Schools Award.

Social Subjects teacher Tim Pott, encourages the pupils to be aware of their human rights and responsibilities and raise awareness of them around the school. Pupils watched several videos and were given information which educated them about their human rights both within and out of school. Abigail Smith said: “I enjoyed informing the younger generation of their basic human rights”.

The Rights Respecting Schools pupils were extremely enthusiastic about the course with Matthew Adamson adding: “It’s really interesting and I have learnt about rights I never knew I had”.

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