Good morning. We have been getting lots of photographs and videos of all the excellent work that was done last week. Many of you were very creative and it was obvious that there was a lot of learning going on. There was also a very successful Team chat and we would like to thank you all for taking the time to join us. We appreciate knowing that you are taking part.
Here are the suggested activities for this week. Some of you may want to continue with some of the ones from last week and that is fine. Do not feel under any obligation to complete all of them. Just try and stay fit and healthy and keep those brains working!
We’re focussing on addition this week. You can use some of the suggested websites or have some fun doing some practical tasks. Why not try adding the last 2 digits of the year members of your family were born in e.g. 86 + 9. Or the 4 digits e.g. 1986 + 2009. Maybe add the length of your arms, legs etc. Remember, when setting out your working you must line up each digit in the correct column when doing a chimney sum and add on any carrying that you have put under the next column.
Log in to Heinemann Active Learn then click on Active Maths tile. Click on resources. Click on whatever level you are working towards. Click on addition and subtraction. Scroll down and choose Individual Practise Game or Practise Photocopible Master. Any problems please get in touch.
We are going to try to write a poem this week. Think about words that rhyme at the end of each set of 2 lines to help you.
Here is mine:-
My Sister’s Lesson!
My sister’s bedroom is always a mess And I am sure she couldn’t care less. My mum and dad just huff and puff They really, really have had enough. Tidy your room or you wont get a treat! And just like magic her room is so neat!
When I wrote a line I then thought of any words that rhymed with the last word and that helped me with the next line.
You can choose any subject you want. E.g. a skateboard, a pet, a tree, not wanting to do homework.
- Give your poem a title.
- Begin each line with a capital letter.
- Your poem should have at least 4 lines.
Rights Respecting Schools
Definition: Article 12 – Respect for the views of the child
Every child has the right to express their views, feelings and wishes in all matters affecting them, and to have their views considered and taken seriously.
This right applies at all times, for example during immigration proceedings, housing decisions or the child’s day-to-day home life.
Introduction Thinking Question – What do you need to be heard? Have a think about this and brainstorm. E.g. relevant feedback if you have expressed an opinion so that you know you have been properly listened to.
Possible Activities to understand, demonstrate or show examples of the article.
1. Can you think of any stories or films in which children’s voices are really listened to and it makes a difference? If you think of one, tell somebody about it.
2. Write to your headteacher or your School Council with your ideas about the learning activities being set for you. Explain the things you find helpful and suggest things you might like to do differently.
3. Design a poster for display about the importance of Article 12.
4. Find out about a child or young person who made sure their voice was heard. You could choose Malala Yousafzai or Greta Thunberg or see if you can find out. 5. Think of ways that your voice gets listened to in school. Can you think of any other ways you could be listened to. Write a persuasive paragraph or create a poster giving at least 3 reasons why you think this would work and why it would be beneficial.
H & W
We thought it would be nice this week to make a Jar of Happiness
If you don’t have a jar you could use a box or a bottle. You could make your notes on different shapes of paper. E.g. Love hearts, cars, bumblebees. We’re looking forward to seeing some beautifully decorated containers.
You can continue with last week’s activities. However, you can research daily life and compare it to yours. Why not draw or make a model of one of your meals then do the same for an Aztec one. I’m sure they will definitely be different and there would’ve be no pizza or Kentucky Fried Chicken etc for the Aztecs!!
Your challenge this week is to make a pinwheel. There are lots of great videos on YouTube. It will be important to test different materials and the sails of the pinwheel must be able to turn. There could be a lot of problem solving here and a good bit of trial and error. So, see what works and what doesn’t and GOOD LUCK and have fun!
Finally, Miss McNab has put up an exciting new challenge which you can find when you go to her page (you can get it on the school main page). There is a competition and I know how competitive some of you can be! However, even if you’re not it will still be great fun.