
School Closure Activities for P3/4

Please click on this link –  School Closure Activities List

Here are some activities you can do if the school is closed.

  1. Read your accelerated reading book.
  2. Practice the skills in your maths passport.
  3. Recite your times tables. You should all know the 2, 5 and 10 times tables. If you can say these off by heart then you should practice the 3 and 4 times tables.
  4. Look out your window. Make a list of words to describe what you see. Make a list of words to describe what you hear.  Think about how you would feel if you were outside.  Use your wordlists to write a short, imaginative story about being outside in the weather the way it is right now.
  5. If the weather is not too wild, wrap up warm and go outside. Build snow creatures. Take a photograph or draw a picture of your creatures.  Give them names.  When you are back inside and warmed up write a sentence to describe the character of each creature.
  6. Snuggle up with a warm drink and read one of your favourite books.
  7. Write a letter to your friend to tell them you are missing them and let them know how you are spending your day off school. You can give the letter to your friend next time you see them.
  8. Fancy doing some science?

Follow this link to make a snow volcano https://www.science-sparks.com/snow-volcano/

Follow this link to learn a scientific trick to wow your friends. https://www.stevespanglerscience.com/lab/experiments/instant-freeze-soda-ice/  You can use snow in the bowl instead of ice.

Do you have any bubble mixture at home? If the temperature is below freezing try blowing bubbles outside and watch what happens.

Feed the birds. Our feathered friends will be very hungry in this weather.  This link will give you some ideas for putting out some things for them to eat.  https://nurturestore.co.uk/how-to-make-a-bird-feeder

Try putting out some bird food and watch quietly to see who comes along for a feed.

  1. Are you feeling arty?

Pour some cold water into the bottom of a bucket or a bowl. Add some string and leave the ends hanging out.  Place natural materials such as leaves, cones and seeds in the water.  Place outside and leave overnight to freeze.  Once frozen hang your beautiful ice picture outside.



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