
P1 – Activities

Please click on this link –  School Closure Activities List

Here is a list of some activities you could explore with your child at home if the school is closed due to adverse weather conditions. I have tried to include activities which will not require too many resources. The children will also want to go out and play if it is snowing so I have included some snow related activities. Please allow your child to choose as few or as many activities from the list as they want. They can also bring some of their drawings or pictures in to show their friends when school re-opens.


  • Practise your phonics and tricky words.
  • Ask an adult to help you read some stories with you. Choose your favourite book and bring to school to share with the class.
  • Do a black pen drawing and ask an adult to help you write about the picture.
  • Practise writing your letters
  • Practise writing sounds that you know. Think of words which begin with these sounds and draw a picture for each word. E.g. s – snowman, h – hat

Numeracy and Maths

  • Build a snowman with 8 buttons on his body, a nose, 2 eyes, 10 pebbles for a mouth and give him a hat and scarf. Use your own ideas to make a smaller friend for your snowman. Count and record how many items you used.
  • Play board games and card games.
  • Revise number stories to 10.
  • Practise writing your numbers 0 – 10.
  • Go on a number hunt. You can do it in your house or in the village. Draw or take pictures of the numbers you find.
  • Get an adult to time you – how many snowballs can you make in one minute?

Expressive Arts

  • Create a “snowy day” picture using a variety of materials. Bring to school to share with the class.
  • Build a snow sculpture. Draw a picture or take a photograph of what you have created.
  • Draw a picture of your favourite toy. Try to put in lots of detail.
  • Draw a picture of yourself in warm clothes.

Health and Wellbeing

  • Make some soup or bake with an adult. Help to weigh out the ingredients.
  • Go sledging with family or friends. Make predictions about speed and distance of different sledges, different sledgers and different positions on the sledge. Can you find out which sledge and sledger can go furthest.
  • Play board games and card games.


  • Use food colouring to make designs and write words in the snow. Take a photograph of your work. Bring it to school to share with your friends.
  • Design a new pair of wellingtons.
  • Make a model using recycling materials. Take a photograph or draw a picture of it to take in to school.

Websites which may be helpful:





http://projectbritain.com/Xmas/calendar/index.html  This is an interactive fact finding advent calendar exploring different traditions from different countries and could be used during December.


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