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December News Letter

December 2015

Dear Parents and Children,

I do hope the festive season finds you well and healthy and that you are getting prepared and looking forward to the big day. It’s certainly all go here at Inveravon and the stage was set up in the hall last week which means we can get our show well and truly rehearsed now. This year you can all look forward to enjoying  “A Magical Christmas Journey” and I’m fairly sure you will all have a good idea about what that will involve……stars…angels….shepherds etc etc! As ever our enthusiastic pupils are putting their hearts and souls into rehearsals and it is sounding great even at this early stage.

The concert will be held on Tuesday 16th starting at 7pm and followed by the usual festive refreshments to which you are all welcome. The children will need to be in school for about 6.30 in order to get into costumes etc. There will be no raffle this year as everybody has given so much already. We are all looking forward to this event and the children are very excited about performing to you once again.

Last weekend of course saw us all in school on Saturday for what was our first ever and extremely successful Christmas Fayre. The atmosphere in the school was joyous and everyone seemed to be having a lovely time. I daresay you will have heard that we made £958 which is a staggering amount for such a small school. I must thank each and every one of you for giving so generously and for making the day such a tremendous success. Many thanks also to the children and the staff who worked tirelessly to make it happen and to ensure that the standard was high.

The school looked lovely and was very welcoming for all the good folks in our community who came along to support us. It was just a great day and the warmth of community feeling has left us all with a rosy glow and feel good factor. What a great way to welcome and celebrate the season of advent.

We are going to be making the wreaths today so foliage a plenty will be strewn around the school as we get going to fulfil the orders. I am really looking forward to flexing my creativity skills and I am sure to be kept right about how to make them properly by the children who really do know what they are doing.

As you know we decided not to go to the Panto in Inverness this year and the children have instead opted for a trip to Baxters to see Santa and to enjoy a pancake and juice. They wrote me very persuasive letters asking if they could go and I was only too delighted to say a great big YES!  The cost of this is £5.99 per child and thanks to the Smartie money coming in we are

able to go. How exciting! 

Pupils Christmas Party  Friday December 18th.  Party clothing can be taken to school to change into after lunch.

All pupils will go home at 3.15pm after the party.

 Church Service with Glenlivet Primary  Monday December 21st to be held at Inveravon Church at 10.00 am – All Welcome and please join us for coffee and a mince pie back up at the school.

Wishing you all a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year and we will see you all back to school on Tuesday 5th January 2016.

From all of us at Inveravon Primary



From Gaja Sidrys

What an excellent blog! I particularly like the collage of John Muir since the Muir Woods are located just 18 miles (29 km) from my home in San Francisco, CA. Maybe one day you can visit the magnificent trees located in Muir Woods – the tallest tree is 258 feet (79 m). The trees come from a seed no bigger than that of a tomato. Most of the redwoods are between 500 and 800 years old. The oldest is at least 1,200 years old. Definitely a sight to see!

Louise Peel

Hi everyone,

Wow what interesting facts! I have certainly learnt a lot.
I live in Dubai in the United Arab Emirates and I thought you might like to know some interesting facts about where I live.

1. We have the tallest man made free standing building in the world. Its name is the Burj Kahlifa and it is a whopping 2, 722 feet tall, that is 830 metres!

2. The school week here is Sunday to Thursday so while you are still enjoying your Sunday lunch at home children Dubai are at school. However on Fridays you are all working hard in class and the children of Dubai are already enjoying their weekend!

3. The moon appears to be upside down in Dubai if you come from the UK. The crescent moon is facing down and angled slightly from the right instead of the left.

4. Dubai is famous for Pearl diving, oil industries and also jewellery. Did you that the longest gold chain ever made was made here and spanned 4 kilometres?

5. There are no postal addresses here in Dubai. People need to use a PO BOX number to receive mail.

I wonder if you could find out some interesting facts out about where I live and surprise me with some things I dont know. I’d like to hear some cool facts about the indigenous sea life and land animals too!

Thank you for sharing

Mrs Smith

Hi Folks I really enjoy reading your blog from time to time and I always seem to learn about something you have been doing. Well done and thank you for keeping it going.

It is really interesting to see where we are getting visits from and it’s exciting to think that Inveravon is global. I am proud of you all.

13th April 2013 – received from Australia

Hi Marion,

I had a look at their blog:) I couldn’t comment as it seems you can only comment if you have a “Glow account” registered.
But its all very interesting. I love the weekly facts. I learnt so much just by reading through that section alone!

I also adore the fact that the kids are getting involved in helping to save our wonderful planet. I read through all the activities they are doing under the Eco school section and they put a lot of adults to shame! Give them all a high five from me in Oz- they are very cool to be taking such good care of the planet.

I enjoyed reading about the “Wake Up Wednesdays” activity. I was actually a bit envious! I wish I had had those types of activities when I was at school. Queen was an awesome band and “We will Rock you” is an excellent song. maybe you guys can start your own “School of Rock” classes?

Anyway, good job and keep the rest of us posted on Invervon’s activities:)