- Ladybirds are coloured because it is a warning for other animals to not eat them..
- When a ladybird is an adult it doesn’t grow any more.
- The most common ladybird in Britain is the 7 spotted ladybird.
- There is 46 types of ladybirds in Britain.
- There is 4300 kinds of ladybirds in the world.
- Female ladybirds can eat as 75 aphids in a day.
- Ladybirds smell with their feet and antenna.
- A ladybirds jaws chew side to side instead of up and down.
- The colour of a ladybirds spots begin to fade as they get older.
- Ladybirds are most active when their body is 75 degrees.
- When a ladybird flies its wings beat 85 times every second.