Bring and Buy Sale!

Pupils of Inveravon Primary are hosting a Bring and Buy sale on Friday the 8th of February. The sale will begin at 10am and finish at 12 noon. All donations will be gratefully received before then. Books, games, jewellery….anything at all! There will also be a home baking stall for all the budding bakers amongst us. The money that is raised will go towards our Micro- Tyco challenge.

Micro – Tyco

The topic for this term will be Micro –Tyco. In short it is an enterprise challenge which takes place during the month of February. After much discussion and research the pupils held a vote on whether they would like to participate. The pupils voted overwhelmingly in favour. They thought it would be a good learning experience and the money raised would go towards helping others in the developing world. So far the pupils have registered and received their £1. With this seed £1 they have to think of and carry out a fundraising event. Hopefully a profit will be made and the £1 will grow. For further information the website to access is

For this to be a success we desperately need your help. If you have any good fund raising ideas or could offer your services in any way we would be delighted to hear from you. We would like to raise as much money as possible!

Robert Burns

Today with Mrs McCann we  were talking about Robert Burns.

We spoke about what happens at a Burns Supper , what you would eat and what would you  wear?

We all went in to groups and made a mind map of what we knew about Robbert Burns and how do we celebrate him?

We all had a try of making our own Tartan also.