All posts by Mr Stagg

Blog Rota

Group 1
Scott S J Campbell 23-Sept 13-Oct
Craig Coll
Ryan Main

Group 2
Robert Casburn 28-Oct 16-Nov
Daniel Davidson
Drew McPherson

Group 3
Joel Robinson 18-Nov 06-Dec
Brandon Ross
Andrew Whyte

Group 4
Aaron Cleghorn 09-Dec 21-Dec
Jordan Grant

Group 5
David Dickinson 06-Jan 07-Feb includes 2 weeks of study leave
Iain MacDonald
James Mollitt

Group 6
Molly Hughes 10-Feb 28-Feb
James Louth
Ryan Wood

Class work – home work Week beginning – 5/11/2012

available as a file here – PLEASE USE YOUR NOTES

Create 2 spider diagrams for the following topics
• Data Representation
• Peripherals

Please complete the following binary questions

O:ICTComputingHigherSystemsSome Binary Questions.doc

Or from here

Exam Questions

H 2008
Q 1 2 3 5 6 7 14 15

Int 2 2008
Q 1 2 3 4 7 10 11

Interesting reads for holiday time – Honestly

Dont you hate passwords… the do’s and don’t amd why they matter

A year on from Steve Jobs death – chat between bill and steve quite good

Another copurt case about digital muisc – when will the music indusrty catch up

The farther of computing – finally getting some recognition

Vector v Bitmaps/Rater Maps/Images – a practical view