The Enchanted Forest!

Primary 1/2W were so excited to get a letter from the Enchanted Forest last week! Our topic is The Enchanted Forest and during this term we will be involved in a variety of outdoor learning opportunities. We have had two visits from Jack, a ‘Forest Friend’, and he has given us some important jobs to do. Today we were given a problem solving task and we had to design maps of the Enchanted Forest. They look beautiful! We can’t wait to finish them tomorrow. We are going to keep a record of our own Enchanted Forest Adventure in a Big Book so that we can share our learning with everybody.

Term 4 – Water

This term our topic is Water. We have enjoyed learning all about the uses of water and why it is so important. Primary 1 have enjoyed learning all about the water cycle and how we get rain. Primary 2 have become our class weather reporters. They have spent time working with Mrs Thom, setting up a rain gauge in the quadrangle. They are measuring the rainfall every week and reporting back to the rest of the class.

We have all enjoyed taking part in experiments to help us learn more about water. Primary 1 did an experiment to find out about materials which are waterproof and materials which are not waterproof. Primary 2 did an experiment to find out which substances dissolve in cold water. Some substances dissolve in cold water and some do not. It was lots of fun!

People who help us – The Lollipop Man

P1/2W have been learning about how to stay safe when crossing the road. Jeff, the Lollipop Man, came to tell us some important safety rules! Jeff waits at Glenlossie Drive to help us cross the road before and after school. We now know about the importance of being sensible when we are near busy roads and when we are trying to cross the road.

We must remember to:

* Stop at the kerb.

* Walk. Don’t run.

* Cross in front of the Lollipop Man.

* Wait until we are told to cross.


People who help us – The Dentist

Primary 1/2W are learning about people who help us to keep healthy and stay safe. We have started the term by learning about the dentist. Last week, Margaret from the Childsmile team came to tell us all about how to brush our teeth properly.

We are having great fun playing in our new ‘Dentist’ play area!

Today we started an experiment to find out what happens when an egg is placed in coffee, tea, coke or vinegar. This will help us to understand the harm that these liquids can do to our teeth. We can’t wait to look at the results of our experiment when we come back to school tomorrow!

A trip to Asda

Our topic this term is Food! We have been investigating all kinds of healthy and unhealthy foods.

Primary 1/2W  have been learning about a variety of fruits through the story of Handa’s Surprise. We had great fun at Asda, finding out about exotic fruits and then buying the fruits that Handa had in her basket. When we returned to school we had a lovely afternoon tasting all of the exotic fruits.

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