Over the last two weeks it has been difficult to add anything specific to the Blog. However, since returning from the Easter holidays I can reassure everyone that we have been exceptionally busy. The main focus has been completing Room Data Sheets. This has been a daunting task as some of the technical detail required has been beyond the expertise of a Head Teacher and has involved consultations with specialists. We have had a couple of very useful meetings with a consultant from Highland. He has brought a wealth of experience and helped us to ask the correct questions as to what we want or need. Moray ICT have been great in giving input into their requirements – although it is very difficult to second guess where ICT will be in two years time, let alone 20 years into the future. Moray DSO have been exceptionally helpful in looking at the kitchen and canteen as well as the maintenance/cleaning needs. There are some exciting ideas emerging about catering. Hubco staff have also been sharing their experiences.
Meanwhile, the architect continues to provide creative solutions to issues we raise. It is also good to have Martine, Project Manager, back after a period of illness. Sadly, later in May she is off to another post – we will miss her for her hard work and many contributions. The post has been advertised – applicants are welcome.
Good progress is being made and the positive response from councillors and others to the presentation at the steering group was welcome. Hopefully it will not be long before we can share the design with a wider audience.