Elgin High School replacement project update: – February 2014
This is our first newsletter of 2014. And, an exciting development to start the year!
The project team prepared a report to full Council on 5th February to give options regarding the final design and size of the school. The need for this arose because there were some affordability limitations with the existing design (Option A) which were causing concern.
There were four options given, which were:
Option A = Design for 720 pupils with an estimated maximum capacity for 758 pupils, Access from High School Drive only.
Option B = Design for 800 pupils, enhanced core (communal) areas for extra cost of £3M with future extension capability, plus access road from Edgar Road extension.
Option C = Design for 1000 pupils from outset for extra cost of £5.8M, plus access road from Edgar Road extension.
Option D = Defer a decision until any impact of decisions by the council, arising from the Sustainable Education Review is known.
The full report of these options including their advantages, disadvantages and associated risks can be found here:
http://www.moray.gov.uk/minutes/data/MC20140205/Item%206%20 – %20Elgin%20High%20School%20Replacement%20Project.pdf
We are pleased to inform you that the elected members unanimously agreed that Option B was the most appropriate option to choose. The Moray Council have therefore allocated an extra £3M to the project which will provide the most flexible solution for growth (should the need arise), vehicular access from Edgar Road and also make best use of the funding from the Scottish Government.
This means that we can now refine the school design, (which shouldn’t take long) to a high level of detail and progress to planning in the next few months. We will keep you informed along the way.
Site investigation work already started on February 3rd and will continue until the middle of February. The noisiest work which will involve drilling some test bore holes for gas monitoring will take place over the half-term break Feb 13 – 18 to minimise any disruption.
If you have any queries please direct them to ehsproject@moray.gov.uk or telephone 01343 563011
The EHS project Team.