NPR, RDA, SOA and KSR1 – these are just some of the initials that have become the focus of the last few days. After the great experience of visiting a new school building that is near competition, the reality of what has to be done to get there is hitting home. A core group of Moray Council staff are busy completing lengthy forms and calculating the proposed number of room required, the technical aspirations for the building, the costings and many other issues. The target is to get this finished and submitted to Hubco and Scottish Futures Trust by next Thursday. This information will allow detailed negotiations to start with the central bodies that will be overseeing the development. Engagement with the architects will follow which will lead to the consultations with pupils, staff, parents and others on what the building will be like. One very encouraging feature of the process is the collaboration between authorities that is already allowing us to learn from the experiences of others – and save us time! We are on target to be ready for the 28th and therefore for construction to start in March /April 2014!