May 25, 2016
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Today our 5 baby caterpillars arrived. We are so excited. We are going to learn how to care for them.

Day two
We think they have grown a little. They are crawling a lot!

Day three
Our wee friends are getting bigger. Today we used a magnifier to have a better look at them.

Day four
not much of a change today but still crawling!

Day 5, the end of the first week.

We’re so excited, look how much our caterpillars have grown over the weekend.

31st May

Lily put the caterpillars and butterflies in the right order and put our caterpillars beside them.
1st June

2nd June

3rd June
The caterpillars have been very active today.
I have taken them home over the weekend to keep an eye on them.
It gives a whole new meaning to ‘I’ve got the class pet for the weekend!’

Sat 4th June
As I sit here watching our wee guys they are hanging and curling.
Who, like me, thinks they are getting ready to change?

Sun 5th June
Okay so overnight the two wee guys do seem to have formed chrysalis but unfortunately they fell to the bottom of the container. I’m going to leave them there and wait until they have all changed.
You can barely make them out in the photo.

Another one going tonight, hope he doesn’t fall off.

Mon 6th June
This morning and evening’s photos. Only one wee guy left to change, I wonder if he will be a chrysalis by morning?