Aberlour Nursery blog

Oot and aboot

Friday and we walked down to the end of the town..to the horses field. Picnic snack and then, surprise! An ice cream at Aye candy.

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          Monday and we’re at Conval court.

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Tuesday’s adventures took us to the visitor centre and then to the park and a little bit of the speyside way too!

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It’s Wednesday and the morning children set off to find the library (and tried to take us the wrong way!).

The afternoon children headed up the Linn Falls. What an adventure.

We seem to have a few ‘posers’ in our midst 🙂




Thursday and it’s Linn falls in the morning and the library for story time in the afternoon.

It’s always better with a map and a map reader! Lead the way then…..


We enjoyed looking at the art. It was agreed that it was good and that we all liked the colours.




We went for a paddle, the water was cold, we decided.


We voted for snack.

Stand beside Carolyn if you would like snack now….stand beside Mrs Gordon if you would like snack at the top.

Oh well, now it is 🙂



Will we ever get there? Then a wee rest at the top.


Investigating the tree roots (and getting growled at by our friends!!)


Someone else had been in the woods!


Was it a Gruffalo??????????

Off to storytime at the library 2-2.30pm every Thursday.


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