Engineering Habits of Mind

This resource is a professional learning package in exploring engineering created by the RAiSE programme.


There are 3 sections to the resource:

Engineering Introduction – this video presentation looks at what engineering is, introduces the concept of engineering habits of mind, explores the engineering design process, explores opportunities to develop engineering knowledge and skills across the curriculum and it includes a demonstration of the Engineering Habits of Mind toolkit.

Engineering Habits of Mind – Engineering Habits of Mind have been developed my The Royal Academy of Engineering to outline the skills and attributes employed by Engineers across disciplines. When used along side the design process, they can be used to develop pupils’ STEM skills and skills that can be used across the curriculum. This toolkit provides some simple examples of how the attributes of each habit can be developed across the curriculum.


Rosie Revere Engineer Story – This book is used as a stimulus and context for exploring aspects of Health and Wellbeing (resilience, Growth Mindset, self-esteem, perseverance) and promotes the themes of creative thinking, problem finding and solving, improving and adapting – which are ‘Engineering Habits of Mind’ (see page 3). The activities suggested here have an engineering focus and sit within the ‘Craft, Design, Engineering and Graphics’ part of the Technologies Es and Os, specifically the ‘Design and construct models/product’, ‘Exploring uses of materials’ and ‘Application of Engineering’ organisers. The suggested learning activities also provide opportunities for Literacy and Numeracy skills to be developed too plus also link to some science outcomes.

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