Category Archives: General

Hawthornden – 23rd September

“Our final confirmation arrived – so all of our Outdoor Learning is planned and all it took was one meeting, a few emails, choosing some dates and some form filling.  Sean said he will send through equipment lists for the children (and staff) nearer the time”

Hawthornden – 10th September

“Sean has been to see us today and helped us decide on what we can do over the year.  We decided on some cycling adventure days for our P6 pupils, a day of canoeing for our Provision.  The canoeing will be one of JASS Award challenges for our Provision pupils who are working towards their bronze awards.”

Hawthornden – 30th August

“Today (30th August) was a good day for us.  Sean (Fallon) from Midlothian Outdoor Learning Service emailed to see if they could support our outdoor learning programme.  So we replied and asked him to come and see us as last year we had done Try Bike and our Provision had been rock climbing”

Welcome to our blog…

Hidden away round the back of Penicuik High you will find the Midlothian Outdoor Learning Team.  This is their blog where we can share our experiences and (if you’re a GLOW user) you can add your experiences as well.

We are hoping that this blog will show you how you can get Midlothian Outdoor Learning involved in your school curriculum.