September 30, 2014
by Kerry Knight

Sign in Sheets


Thank you to the afternoon parents for your patience with the sign in sheets today. I realise it is very busy in the cloakroom and as a team the Nursery staff are working towards finding a better system. From tomorrow morning you will find the sign in sheets on the snack table as you enter Nursery.  Sheets are provided for each group, if you are unsure which group your child is in please ask a member of staff. I would encourage you all to sign in daily and add the name of the person who will be collecting your child. I am sure you will all appreciate this is another important step towards keeping your children safe.


September 29, 2014
by Kerry Knight

Information Board

Thank you for your patience while we are in the process of changing the orange information board. To allow us to update the board more regularly we have ordered a magnetic whiteboard. Once the new board arrives we will share weekly plans, staffing, snack and other Nursery news.

September 29, 2014
by Kerry Knight


My intention is to share the weekly plan for Nursery on here. Every second Wednesday Nursery staff meet after the children leave to plan the week ahead. Within the Nursery I display an A3 planning sheet where all staff are encouraged to add observations of the children playing and discussions they have had in group time. As a team we use the A3 sheet to inform our planning and this helps us to plan activities the children are interested in.
On the alternate Wednesday we use our planning time to meet to discuss the needs of our children and identify children in our groups who may need support within Nursery. As a team we work out the best way to take this forward. I can then plan the week ahead in my own time using the A3 planner for support.
I hope you find the plans useful, please remember you can always post comments or questions on here.

weekly plan 25.9 res

weekly plan 25.9

September 22, 2014
by Kerry Knight

Self Registration


self reg

Thanks to Rachel at stimulatinglearning for the inspiration for our self registration baskets. Tomorrow as you enter Nursery please make sure you help your child to find their group then name and register for Nursery by adding their name to the correct basket.


September 18, 2014
by Kerry Knight

A Busy Day

Nursery was closed to children today but the staff had a very productive day. We started at 8:30 this morning with a meeting and a clear agenda which we worked through together. We discussed planning for next week, our action plan for the year ahead, the new hours and how we will structure each session. The remainder of the day was spent clearing cupboards,moving furniture, changing resources and putting up displays. It was worth all the hard work and the Nursery is looking great! Thank you to everyone who helped today – what a great team!


September 17, 2014
by Kerry Knight


my first questionairre.doc

A HUGE thank you to everyone who has taken time to complete the recent pre-school questionnaire. It is very helpful for staff to hear your thoughts and to consider your feedback as we plan the year ahead. We hope to share the results on here very soon however it is not too late to return the questionnaire if you haven’t already.
A questionnaire will be issued very soon to all our new children to allow them to share their views on settling into Nursery.
Thank you for your continued support.

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