February 8, 2015
by Kerry Knight

Staff Update

starsmile_cIt is an exciting time for us as we welcome new staff with new experiences to bring to the Nursery.  On Thursday we welcomed our new Senior Child Care and Development worker, Mrs Sam Garland. Mrs Garland will be the key worker for the Orange group. Our key groups are as follows:

Red   – Mrs Knight Class Teacher
Purple – Mrs Duffy SCCDW
Orange – Mrs Garland SCCDW
Yellow – Mrs Graham CCDW
Green – Mrs Anderson CCDW
Blue –  Mr Robertson CCDW

At the end of this week Mrs Graham will be leaving us for a period of absence and her group will be covered by two familiar faces who have been covering in Nursery since January. Mrs Wilding will work Mon – Thu and Mrs Gregor will work every Friday. We wish Mrs Graham well and look forward to her return later in the year.

February 1, 2015
by Kerry Knight

Robert Burns

This week in Nursery the children have participated in various Scottish activities including art, Scottish stories and listening to Scottish music. On Tuesday after watching a short video about Robert Burns we had group time where we discussed Scotland, Robert Burns and where the food for our Burns supper comes from. After group time was over we all sat together to enjoy our Burns supper while listening to traditional Scottish music.

January 27, 2015
by Kerry Knight

Raising Children with Confidence

Excellent opportunity for Lawfield families, a great course and highly recommended by everyone who has attended –


Dear Parent/carer

We all want our children to grow up happy, confident, secure and able to cope with life’s challenges. Some children manage this better than others. Ever wondered why this is?
There is the opportunity to find out more through a 7 week course which aims to give parents and carers the chance to explore emotional well-being and how best to promote it in ourselves and our children.
Over 800 parents and carers have already attended the course and 98% found it a valuable and enjoyable experience. To date, we have run 15 courses in the Mayfield area with great success. The course draws on the latest findings and research in the field and helps explain why what you do makes such a difference!

A course is about to begin covering the following topics:
1. What is emotional health & wellbeing? (Introductory session)
2. Why Do Kids Do That? (Looking inside children’s brains)
3. What’s Love Got To Do With It? (How relationships shape child development)
4. Cotton Wool Kids? (Helping children cope with the ups and downs of life)
5. Staying Connected! (Listening differently to understand better)
6. What Makes Us, Us? (How thoughts and feelings influence behaviour)
7. 21st Century Childhood? (How to fit it all in, in the 21st century)
The course will run at:
Lawfield PS
Community Room 2
Commencing Wednesday 4th February from 9.15 – 11.30
Facilitated by Tricia Di Duca (Home Link Teacher)
Further information about the course can be found at:www.growingconfidence.org
On the website, you will find a link to a short film, some of which was filmed here in Midlothian, which gives you further information. In addition, parent/carer leaflets are available from your school/Nursery.
Unfortunately, we are unable to offer a crèche for preschool/ Nursery children.
There are limited places for the courses, so if you are interested please fill in the attached reply slip and return it to me at any of the above locations. Alternatively you can email me your request for a place to:

Yours faithfully
Name Tricia Di Duca
Title Home Link Teacher


Raising Children wi#3AD5AD2

January 21, 2015
by Kerry Knight

Helpers Please

BOOKS1 Mrs Di Duca is looking for parent helpers next Wednesday to help sort Nursery story sacks and play along maths resources. Please come along to the Nursery on Wednesday 28th January at 8:30 if you can help.

January 21, 2015
by Kerry Knight

Early Years Consultation

Early Years Consultation

A survey to gather views of all staff and parents on the implementation of the 600 hours will run from Monday 11 January until Friday 30 January. This survey is accessed through the following survey monkey link:


The information gathered will be an essential part of our reporting to Scottish Government regarding the implementation of 600 hours in Midlothian.

January 19, 2015
by Kerry Knight

Planning 15.1.15 – 29.1.15

Nursery plans can also be found on the orange wall as you first enter Nursery. We plan every second Thursday as a team. All Nursery staff have a say and our ideas are taken from observations of the children during the week.

January 16, 2015
by Kerry Knight

A Surprise Visitor

We had a surprise visit this morning which caused a great deal of excitement. After our new friend Robin left we put more bird food out in the garden and hopefully he will be well fed this weekend.

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