I am delighted to announce our Christmas fundraiser raised £953.50 for Nursery funds. This exceeded our expected total. All money will go towards resources for Nursery.
The money was raised from selling Nursery bags, the Christmas raffle, bake-sale, crafts and our bookshop.
A huge thank you to the following people:
- Our amazing children for singing, baking and helping to make Christmas crafts
- Nursery families for all your donations, baking and support at our events
- Nursery staff for all their enthusiasm, hard work and preparation
- Lawfield Parent Council for taking time to support our bake-sale especially Wendy Bruce, Michelle Durie and Jenny Rutherford
- Mrs Pringle for all her help at the bake-sale
- Mrs MacDonald and Mrs Ross for taking time to bake for us
- The Mining Musesum, The Kabin, Swimwell and Camera Obscura for donations to our raffle
I really hope I haven’t missed anyone out! I will keep you posted on how the money will be used.