Nursery News – March 2015




Welcome to our first newsletter of 2015. January and February has been a really busy time for us in Nursery as we welcomed all our new children and I am pleased to report they have settled really well! I would like to thank all our parents and staff for their support with this.

If you have any questions or concerns about your child’s time in Nursery please don’t hesitate to contact any member of the Nursery team. We take great pride in working as a team and have regular meetings to ensure we are doing our best to get it right for every child in our care.

Many thanks for your continued support

Kerry Knight, Class Teacher

Snack Money

We rely on our snack money to provide exciting experiences and new resources for our Nursery children. This term we hope to book Cool Creatures to link with our work on zoo animals. Mrs Duffy SCCDW sends home snack envelopes each week. Please contact Mrs Duffy if you have any questions or issues with snack money.


We would like to thank everyone who completed the communication survey earlier in the term and you can now read the results online. Please remember to regularly check our website and notice board in the cloakroom for the latest Nursery news.

Staff Update

Mrs Graham is currently absent from Nursery however two familiar faces who have been covering in Nursery since January will now work with the yellow group.  Mrs Wilding will work Mon – Thu and Mrs Gregor will work every Friday. We wish Mrs Graham well and look forward to her return later in the year.


Red Mrs Knight Class Teacher
Purple Mrs Duffy SCCDW
Orange Mrs Garland SCCDW
Yellow Mrs Graham CCDW (Mrs Wilding/Mrs Gregor)
Green Mrs Anderson CCDW
Blue Mr Robertson CCDW

World Book Day

We are inviting our children to come to Nursery dressed as a book character on Friday 6th March to celebrate World Book Day.  We have also sent home a short book survey for the children. Please have a look at the Nursery website for costume ideas.


Spring is round the corner and as always we are trying our best to get outside every day. It is really important to send your child to Nursery with appropriate clothes for outdoor play. The children have opportunities outside to play and climb on the large equipment so please ensure they are wearing suitable footwear.


Collection Times

On arrival at Nursery please remember to sign your child in. The doors for the morning nursery will only be open between 8.30am – 8.50am for drop off and 11.20am – 11.40am for pick up. The doors for the afternoon nursery will open between 12.25pm -12.45pm for drop off and 3.15pm -3.35pm for pick up. Please be punctual when collecting your child as they can get very anxious if they are left late. Staff are also either planning or setting up for next session.

There is always a member of staff supervising the entrance door am/pm. Please make sure the person collecting your child is 16 years or over otherwise we cannot release your child.


Nursery number

If your child is going to be absent from Nursery, please don’t forget to contact the office or Nursery by phone in the morning to let staff know.  The direct number for Nursery is 0131 271 4621. Please make sure you inform the Nursery if you change your mobile or home telephone number.


Snack menus

In response to your feedback in our communication survey we now have a weekly snack menu displayed in Nursery. If your child has any allergies please make sure you have shared this information with Nursery staff and update us on any changes to medication.


Starting School

Small groups of our Pre-School children have started visiting the school and this will continue as we work towards our P1 transition next term. We understand starting school can be an anxious time but we are here to support you with this important journey. The Nursery website will have regular updates with advice and tips on Starting P1.


Many Thanks

From the Nursery Team


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