Category Archives: Provision

Shining White Teeth

As part of our Health & Wellbeing programmes we had a visit today from Sharon the Community Dental Health Service.  She showed us how to clean our teeth properly and was able to answer loads of our questions.

“How was school today?”…

If you’ve asked this question you may well have heard either “Fine” or “OK” as the answer.

You’ll be glad to hear that this blog will hopefully shed some some light on what’s been going on in the Special Provision. Each week we hope we will be able to post at least one entry about what we’ve been doing.

By taking part in working on the Special Provision blog your child will be:

  • Typing daily or weekly blog entries
  • Building on their computer skills
  • Developing their written language skills
  • Sharing their individual achievements
  • Taking and editing digital photographs
  • Understanding Internet safety
  • Helping highlight the work in the Special Provision

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September 9, 2015

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Drew really enjoyed digging for potatoes that the gardening group planted. Now to decide on what to cook……..

The Yetis are coming…

IMAG0968We’ve been finding out about how important our brains can be especially in the way they make us think.  Sometimes if we get something tricky to do its easy just to say “I can’t do it” but soon we will have our own yetis to help us think differently…

Instead of “We can’t do it” we will be saying “We can’t do it yet” – and to remind us we’ve been making our own “We can’t do it YETis”

We will have some more news about our Visible Learning soon…

Going to class with Drew

I was in my mainstream class for a lot of the day.  In maths we were playing maths games and learning how to use our 5x table. Later on I had my milk and listenedDrew no. 2 to Danny Champion of the World by Roald Dahl.  I’ve read most of the Roald Dahl books but I like listening to them.

I was very pleased as I tried hard at maths as I used to find it very difficult and hard to concentrate.

I got my homework which is some reading.  I’ve been finding out about the difference between schools in the 1960s and 2015.  I’ll tell you more about this as we go through our class project.

Last week we were making phosters as a way of  telling people what we are good at and interested in.  We’ve also been working on Yeti pictures – but I can’t tell you why just yet(i)

Let’s go…

$R28I4IIAnother school year and we’ve decided that our brains are the most amazing thing about us.  Sometimes are brain can help us do things and sometimes they put us off trying.

We are going to work out the difference between fixed mindsets (which stop you from learning new things) and growth mindsets (which make you think you can learn more and more).  Drew was working on a painting of a brain so we can add our descriptions of a fixed mindset around it.

$R4H6H6EDanny got to work on the growth mindset brain.  We will show you the completed brains when in our next post.