P3/4/5 topic

P3/4/5 are learning about food to fork and what things come from plants and animals. We are doing an assembly on Wednesday 20th December.  We have been practicing for our assembly for about 3 weeks now. We are excited for tomorrow to do our assembly 😃. We made invitations to our assembly.  We are making bread and butter tomorrow on Wednesday 20th December

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P3/4 Go To Roslin Glen

On the 15th of January Primary 3s and 4s went to Roslin Glen They did a lot of fun bushcraft activities, such as making fires 🔥 and hot chocolate.   They put up tents and did not sleep at the Glen, because overnight trips aren’t really a thing in Primaries 3 and 4.

There were actually 2 trips to it, one in the morning for Primary 3s, and one in the afternoon for the 4s.

The Primary 5s of P3/4/5 will be going on a trip with the P5/6/7s later on in the year.

Thats all for now, 👋.


Primary 4 and 5 went swimming every Friday until last Friday, breaking up partially because of the holidays and also because of the cold weather. Swimming 🏊 for them consisted of regular skills such as freestyle swimming and the basic strokes. They really enjoyed it and can’t wait for next term.

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