Drumming 🥁🥁

P5/6/7 have been doing drumming and in drumming 🥁

We all think it is amazing 😂 we all have an extremely fun time.❤️

We learned a new game called opwa se me sa nana.  It is an African game.  We had to sing the song that goes “opwa se me as nana ”

We play taiko and there is this big blue drum 🥁 and it’s really really loud.


Internet Safety

Last week we started learning about Internet Safety. In this activity, we learned how to stay safe online on laptops, IPads, phones etc. We are currently doing a poster about staying safe online and I think Internet Safety is a pretty useful topic that people should learn about.



From the start of the year we have been reading Wonder and we really enjoyed it . I would recommend it because it’s all about a little boy who has a really rough time because he has disfigurements and it taught us to never to judge someone by what they look like.

Working with P5/6/7

The P5’s in P3/4/5 have been working with P5/6/7 and have been doing some work with them on Monday and Tuesday the 15th and 16th of January.  We done ERIC with them for about 15 minutes then we moved on and did  posters about staying safe on the internet after we did PE.

Snowman competition

We had a snowman competition in our table teams. It was amazing and so cold but it was still fun. Our team made a good snowman but we didn’t win but that’s fine. The team that did win were the Cool Cats and their one was pretty good.  Everyone enjoyed it so did I.

Glow Coming Around!

Mr Thomson from Glow came to Bilston Primary earlier today to teach P2/3, P3/4/5 and P5/6/7.

Everyone in P2/3 had not used Glow before, and no one had even heard of it so the entire class got taught

The P5s in P3/4/5 had used Glow before with the P5/6/7s, and were meant to help the 3s and 4s, who had never used it before.

All of P5/6/7 did Glow before, and learnt some advanced tricks such as being able to change their nicknames to something else because they are doing a topic about Internet Safety.

On the whole they (probably) all enjoyed having Mr Thomson around and will nearly all will hopefully keep this blog updated.


The Ceilidh

                                                                      Recently, P3/4/5 have been learning Scottish dances and are planning to perform a Ceilidh sometime soon.

They had chatted about Scottish foods and drinks, and for homework this week, they are challenged on making a Scottish food.

They made a mind map about critical features of a Ceilidh, and it has been stuck onto the wall of Miss Easton’s room with another sheet of paper 📝 so that pupils can come by and add anything onto it.

We wish them very much luck and we will enjoy the end of the month when it comes.

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