First Week of Primary 7

Hi this is Zoe and Sara  from Primary 7.We are here to tell you about our first week in P7. It has been fabulous so far because our teachers are amazing. We have learned lots of stuff this week, here are some examples: First thing we did was our fantastic class charter with a theme of…MINIONS! Then for spelling we were revising the ture and sure spelling rule. Next we had a dialogic discussion about our Y chart to decide what was going on it. It was wonderful. After all that hard work we made a front cover for our skills scrapbook that we will fill in throughout the year with all the ways we have developed our skills… Another thing we did was a personal writing piece about our biggest adventure and it was so fun. Afterwards each of us made an outstanding girfec [girfec is an anagram for getting it right for every child] poem. Finally during we have been learning about place value with 5,6 and 7 digit numbers and we played some games using dice, it was super entertaining… we loved working together for the game.

See you in our next post !!!!

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