Our week at Whinhill

10.03.22                                                P7 Weekly  Blog

This week in P7 we have done loads of things!

Currently, we are making a space news timeline, including all of the big space events that have changed history. We have been doing this with Miss Friedlein  and will be continuing next Wednesday.

On Thursday we researched the similarities and differences between Spain and Scotland. We found out many interesting things about both countries, as well as doing 2 math’s assessments earlier that day.

For the past couple of weeks we have been focusing on angles with Miss Mutton, but particularly this week we have been learning about corresponding and alternate angles.

In reading, the orange group have been reading Double Act by Jacqueline Wilson. Many of us that have read this book in the past have really enjoyed it and would really recommend this book.

We can’t believe it’s almost Term 4! This means even more assessments 🙁

We hope everyone has a great weekend. Thank you for reading this weeks blog. Bye!

Written By Aria Phillips and Zoe Jack

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