31/01/22 – 03/02/22: P7’s wonderful week


This week in math’s we have been multiplying, adding, and subtracting fractions. Our class  were split into two groups for math’s – the Crystals and the Gems. Towards the end of the week the Crystals were multiplying fractions in a context, then the Gems were doing something similar, subtraction in a context.

On Wednesday with Miss McMath, we were doing measure and the perimeter of shapes and improper shapes. We also created our own shapes and measured the perimeter of them on our whiteboards. A few of us presented our shape to the rest of the class.


This week in literacy we wrote CV’s for  jobs we would like to do in the future. Just before writing we thought of our Skills and Qualities to help us with our paragraphs.

On Thursday we learnt about camera angles and identifying camera angles. We also learned about after watching strategies for the short film For The Birds.


In ICT we were doing Excel/Coding. We typed in numbers in the columns and put in a code to get the answer, like a calculator. You should try it yourself!

Again in ICT on Thursday we all chose a language to research and learn. For example we chose Russian, Japanese, Ukrainian, French, Tamil etc. A few of us spoke at Assembly to say some phrases and numbers 1-10.


Miss Mutton won’t tell us what we are doing at the moment, all she will tell us is that it is something with paper? We assume we are doing the tallest tower. Some of us were with Miss Mutton last year and the year before as well as the STEM club in Primary 5 two years ago. So from remembering that we may be doing the tallest tower….. We will see!!!!


On Tuesday afternoon Miss Mutton wasn’t there so Miss Morris came in. She did Wordle with us, and we had a lot of fun.

If you don’t know what Wordle is, it’s a game where you guess the word someone has picked. If the letter goes orange, it’s in the word but not in the right place. If the letter goes green, it’s in the word and in the right place. No colour or Grey means that it is not in the word at all.

We had a lot of fun guessing our classmates words and confusing each other with very difficult words.


Lastly at PE with Miss McMath we had Gymnastics. To start we did stretch’s and handstands, headstands and cartwheels.

On Tuesday with AJ – Miss Mutton’s friend from Rugby – we did some Rugby tackling.

We also did some  games like Tig, Constant Tig, and a game with the Rugby balls. Basically, we had  3 catchers and 3 free-ers with the Rugby balls. The catchers would do what they usually do in a normal game of Tig. The free-ers would pass the ball to people that have been caught, then they would throw the ball back to them.

We had a lot of fun this week and we are certainly excited to see the events of next week. Thank you so much for reading! See you all next week.

– Primary 7 (written by Abby, Max, Taylor and Brooke).