Sharing Learning with P6

Sharing Learning with P6
Literacy Week!
Wemyss Bay Primary celebrated Literacy Week last week through a range of contexts and themes. The aim of this post is to enable our Primary 6’s to develop their technology skills and evaluate their learning by leaving a comment on our post below.
Good Luck P6, I look forward to reading about what skills you developed and what you enjoyed about our Literacy learning.


Here are some pictures of our learning in action for you to enjoy…


Orienteering using Morpurgo’s book covers


Getting 'tyred' up in our challenge
Getting ‘tyred’ up in our challenge!

ERIC TIME - Everyone Reading In ClassAndrew getting in some quality reading time during our scheduled ERIC time (Everyone Reading In Class)

Michael Morpurgo in a nut shell!
Michael Morpurgo in a nut shell!

We created recommendations based on Michael Morpurgo’s style, genre and audience. We also summarised the information we gathered about MM from a range of texts including a letter from him. Click on our image above to learn more about Morpurgo.


It’s over to Primary 6 now to tell you the rest…

We love feedback!
We love feedback!