Hello, On Friday afternoon all of primary 7 were being announced there new job and mine is HOUSE CAPTAIN! I’m so happy and privileged to be given this job, I am House Captain of Cumbrae.
Hello, On Friday afternoon all of primary 7 were being announced there new job and mine is HOUSE CAPTAIN! I’m so happy and privileged to be given this job, I am House Captain of Cumbrae.
There are new jobs and I ‘m In the junior leadership group.
On Friday we found out all of the P7 jobs and I was delighted to hear that I was Bute’s new house captain, I am really grateful that I am a house captain. I will try to make sure we get loads of house treats but most important is thing is that everyone is having a great time.
I got a new job called a House Captain 😀
I got a new school job, it’s called Quality Improvements Team.
It’s a great thing to have and I’m really proud of my space in it!
I’m Jason Stevenson and I’m the leader of the Junior Leadership Team. I got invited to the 1st Head Teacher tea party 2 days ago.
I have learnt in maths how to easily do questions like 36000 divided by 90 because of the 2 step method!
I’ve been learning more, and more facts about “evacuees” in World War 2! It’s So fun!
Hitler called his armies stormtroopers that’s where star wars got the name.
Why not try Rigour Maths September Challenge, it’s great!