Tag Archives: effervescent

Mad Mixing!


Inspired by Isla and Amelia’s interest we looked at potion making, chemistry and solutions.

We started of by thinking about what happens when things mix. Most children predicted it would just change colour.

It didn’t just change colour! It created a gas that inflated the balloon. And boy did the balloons inflate!

We decided to investigate what made the fizz and the gas.mad science potion Could we recreate the reaction with other materials?

The mad mixing potions began!

We used a range of household chemicals and substances : conditioner, bubble bath, baby oil, vinegar, bicarbonate of soda, effervescent vitamin tablets, warm water, cold water, carbonated water. And we got a range of results!

Why not have a look at our log books to see what we said about our potions.

It was so interesting we decided to try it again another day!

We were able to apply our learning from the previous time to this new experiment and were able to predict the results much more successfully.

Why not try some mad mixing at home? Any kitchen ingredients can make some crazy potions (and smells)!

If you want to find out more about home science why not have a wee look at Nina and the Neurons or The Royal Institution’s website for some ideas.

Don’t forget we have a Pinterest board with science ideas too!

Let us know how you got on – you could even send us photos of the mad mixtures through our comments.

Happy mixing!

mad scientist