The S3 Administration and IT course is an optional subject which is delivered two periods a week within the Business Studies Department.
It aims to cover the main experiences and outcomes contained with the Technologies curriculum area for Digital Literacy and Business Technology.
The course is practical in nature and the majority of time is spent developing skills in the main software packages used in businesses of all sizes across the UK. Word processing, spreadsheets, databases and DTP packages are used extensively and students are encouraged to develop both their accuracy of input and design skills.
Throughout the year, students are also able to demonstrate their skills in a real-life setting.
- Each student creates a desk top calendar to sell at parents’ nights and other events to raise money for local and national charities
- In conjunction with the PE Department, students design a sponsor form for events such as the annual Triathlon – the winning student design being used across the school
- Students create posters and tickets for the community concert and the winning design used for the actual event. This year students will incorporate a WWI 100th anniversary theme
Level 3 and Level 4 Experiences and Outcomes for Digital Literacy and Business Technology