Advanced Higher Business Management

This course is offered in S6 for students who have successfully completed their Higher Business Management course in S5.

Link to course overview

Three units make up the overall course:-

The External Business Environment includes topics such as Globalisation and Multinational companies, Foreign Direct Investment, EU (and Brexit), ASEAN and China, Current Issues including CSR, Technology and Government influences.

The Internal Environment includes topics such as Leadership Styles, Managing Change, Equality Legislation, Teams, and Time/Task Management.

Evaluating Business Information includes topics such as Gantt Charts, Critical Path Analysis, Annual Reports, Force Field Analysis and SWOT

Students complete a personal research project and produce a report on a business and course topic of their choice which forms 1/3 of their overall mark.

Students are encouraged to keep up to date with relevant business stories via the Twitter feed @ClydeviewB as well as register for access to the Financial Times within school and the Economist.


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