Tag Archives: sharing learning

Reading Role Models

We have been raising the attainment in literacy with the help of our neighbouring P6s!

Role modelling Reading

Every Thursday morning a small group of very capable P6 pupils from St Joseph’s Primary, visit our Rainbow Room and read to our boys and girls.  While this is great fun and enjoyed by all, it is more than just a laugh.

Sharing books in a very small group (just with one or two others) not only helps our children experience the pleasure of reading (setting them up to be life long readers and successful learners); but helps them really see how you can read a book. Our role models discuss the pictures, talk about the plot of the story – making predictions and developing their partner’s understanding. They use different voices for the characters and help their reading partners explore the roles played by the people in the story. They pace the story according to their partner’s needs and level of understanding – stopping at any unfamiliar words to help grow vocabularies (the key to success in later life!)

The best bit is it isn’t just our Rainbow Room children that benefit from this! Our role models do too! The final stage of learning is being able to teach another! So our P6 friends are learning how to read even better, more fluently and with an awareness of their audience.

Sometimes we take the story even further and explore it fully with role play or imaginative small world play. It’s so cool to learn with the big ones!

You can continue to develop this kind of learning quite easily at home! Just reading bedtime stories together makes a world of difference in developing a love for reading and giving your child’s learning a wee boost! So get stuck into some brilliant books!

And …..we’re back!

Ready to go!

It’s been a wee while but we are ready to get back in the blogging saddle again!

We have successfully settled back into our newly refurbished building and are raring to go in sharing our learning with you at home!

And what a busy start to the year we have had!

You can find more detailed accounts of all this learning and much much more in our Big Books. This is where we plan together and record our own learning journeys. At the end of each month we evaluate what we have done and start to think about our ideas for the next month.

Why not pop in and have a wee look at some of the books – we love to show off!

Alternately keep a wee eye on here – this will be where we record our outdoor learning especially.

And remember our Twitter account (@Bluebird F Centre) is a valuable way of keeping up to date with nursery goings on!

Out of this world!

You are going to be blown awayblast off by the outstanding learning that is happening in the Rainbow Room at the moment with our space theme!

Just look at the incredible labels that some of the children wrote themselves!

by Zara aged 4
By Zara aged 4
by Grace aged 3!
by Grace aged 3!
by Lucy aged 4
by Lucy aged 4

We even tried writing without gravity by writing underneath the table instead of on top to see how it feels to write in space .

Space writing!
Space writing!

We are so proud of this early writing! But the amazing learning doesn’t stop there!

Wait until you see our of solar system song.

Grace told us that “Earth is the planet with water” showing us that she understands that the others have no liquid water! What great investigating and sharing of learning!

But it’s better to hear about learning directly from Jack, Orla, Skye, and Zach!

Just click on the coloured links!

Wow! I think you will agree these children are out of this world!

thumbs up moon

If you’d like to extend this space learning further why not have a look at CBeebies for some fun games and activities.

The Stargazing episodes are full of brilliant information!

Alternatively you could follow Tim Peake on the space station on twitter.

Or watch some videos made on the space station by Chris Hadfield or Tim Peake – like how they use the toilet in space!

You could also wave to Tim as he crosses our sky in the ISS – check out the tracker to see when he’ll pass.

Happy Learning! rocket man