Tag Archives: active learning

And …..we’re back!

Ready to go!

It’s been a wee while but we are ready to get back in the blogging saddle again!

We have successfully settled back into our newly refurbished building and are raring to go in sharing our learning with you at home!

And what a busy start to the year we have had!

You can find more detailed accounts of all this learning and much much more in our Big Books. This is where we plan together and record our own learning journeys. At the end of each month we evaluate what we have done and start to think about our ideas for the next month.

Why not pop in and have a wee look at some of the books – we love to show off!

Alternately keep a wee eye on here – this will be where we record our outdoor learning especially.

And remember our Twitter account (@Bluebird F Centre) is a valuable way of keeping up to date with nursery goings on!

Messy child – learning child!

Messy child   Learning child!


There are times when you pick up your child andaaargh think “Look at the state of you!”  You might even despair at the stains on the new clothes that are on for the first time.

But worry not!!

Messy children are active learners!!

Stains are just a little record of some of the fabulous learning we have been doing!

Stains that come from nursery can return to nursery!

That’s why we have nursery jumpers and shirts – so that you don’t need to worry about ruining the clothes a grannie just gave. And old trousers and shoes or wellies are the best for nursery too. You see we value mess, we know how much learning can take place in mess! (which is just as well as most of us go home covered too!)


So next time you see your child’s jumper like this:

Stains from learning!
Stains from learning!

…..then we know you’ll say, “Wow you have been busy learning today – what were you doing when you played outside?”

…. And remember that anything that doesn’t wash out can be worn as a badge of honour as a good learning experience!
