Category Archives: Whole Family Centre

Messy child – learning child!

Messy child   Learning child!


There are times when you pick up your child andaaargh think “Look at the state of you!”  You might even despair at the stains on the new clothes that are on for the first time.

But worry not!!

Messy children are active learners!!

Stains are just a little record of some of the fabulous learning we have been doing!

Stains that come from nursery can return to nursery!

That’s why we have nursery jumpers and shirts – so that you don’t need to worry about ruining the clothes a grannie just gave. And old trousers and shoes or wellies are the best for nursery too. You see we value mess, we know how much learning can take place in mess! (which is just as well as most of us go home covered too!)


So next time you see your child’s jumper like this:

Stains from learning!
Stains from learning!

…..then we know you’ll say, “Wow you have been busy learning today – what were you doing when you played outside?”

…. And remember that anything that doesn’t wash out can be worn as a badge of honour as a good learning experience!




Moving on up, Moving on out …..


Got you singing it? 😉

Well the big move is fast approaching! On Friday 14th October the movers will shift us from the current building into St Joseph’s Primary. Children will start in the temporary accommodation in the school on the Tuesday after the October Break (25th Oct).


We are exited about this big move and am sure that you and your children will love the school facilities as much as us!

staff-and-parent-talkingYou can find out more about the decant at the parents information afternoon on Wed 5th Oct at 4:30, or just ask Gillian, Claire or Kerry!architect

The decant will allow the builders to start on the long awaited refurbishment to our current building. The plans are soon to be presented to the council to be approved and we are hoping for the building work to start some time next year.

Have you seen the plans?

They are currently on display in the hall above the coat pegs.

The offices, drop in and staff room will be upstairs. We will be getting a meeting room also!
All the playrooms will be on the ground floor. There will be a door  straight to the outdoor area in each room!
All the playrooms will be on the ground floor. There will be a door straight to the outdoor area in each room!

What do you think? There is space for you to comment on these in the hall display, alternatively you could comment here or talk to a member of staff who will pass on your response. Don’t forget to have your say – it could make a difference to your child’s nursery experience!staff-and-parent-talking

Needless to say that there will be plenty of learning taking place throughout the whole process and our current service provision will not change (other than to continue to improve).

Ailey and Leigha mixing

If you have any questions, concerns or just fancy a blether about the move then please do not hesitate to say!


We’re back!

bluebird-hiHello everyone!

We are finally back online after a summer break and concentrating on getting back into the swing of things. And boy do we have lots to share!

We have a few new faces in the nursery – Amy our new bus escort, Claire our new family support worker, Sofia who is covering Carol’s maternity leave (good luck Carol!!), Andrewina our new clerical assistant and Michelle and Leeanne who are here to help us pack because………..

We areImage result for clipart removal van on the move in the next couple of weeks!! – See next post for details.

We are also hoping to get a handle on this blog and get some regular updates on your child’s learning – you can subscribe to the blog to get emails for new posts, or watch our twitter account for news.mum and girl laptop

So…. watch this space for updates on your child’s learning!

p.s. welcome back!
