Out and about

outdoorsOutdoor learning is a big part of our nursery here at Bluebird. In fact it is an integral part of the curriculum for all children. We are lucky to have the bus that ensures we all get out and about Inverclyde every week.

busThese outings are great for children’s health and wellbeing, getting out and about in the fresh air and being exposed to daylight rather than artificial light all day.

There is a huge amount of learning to be found in even the most simple trip to the park, the woods or even as we did today, the cemetery!

Firstly there is a lot of opportunity for fine motor development and independence skills (both very helpful for getting ready to write and learn at school), just with getting coats and shoes on to go out.

The park gives us plenty of chances to move our bodies and learn how the work best, but that isn’t all. We have to use social skills to take turns and work together…

And we also can explore aspects of science when we are out and about! Biology when seeing animals in their natural environment and Physics when playing in the park!

We even use our imaginations and develop stories or scenarios to role play when we are out…

Ollie grew in confidence in using the zip slide by himself, preparing for the bounce at the end where he pretended to be a wrecking ball demolishing a building.
Ollie grew in confidence in using the zip slide by himself, preparing for the bounce at the end where he pretended to be a wrecking ball demolishing a building.

But the focus today at the cemetery was most definitely on developing Language skills!

We explored lots of sound words when scrunching through the leaves as well as sharing our reactions to the sensation of walking on different surfaces – mud, leaves, grass, moss, hills, sticks, gravel, concrete.

We scrunched and climbed through the leaves that were piled up. It was uneven and squishy.
We scrunched and climbed through the leaves that were piled up. It was uneven and squishy.

We learned new names for plants that we could see such as the monkey puzzle tree and the ivy as carved on a headstone and growing on the wall.

“Look! I’ve found moss!” – Layton  “There’s a monkey tree!” – Noah

We looked for letters and words that we recognised – finding Gabriel’s name on a tomb stone and a stick in the shape of the letter S.

We were able to read environmental print with the stop sign.

Layton and Caelan recognised the stop sign and read what it said!
Layton and Caelan recognised the stop sign and read what it said!

We used our higher order thinking to remember previous visits, investigate things that had fallen from the trees and apply previous knowledge to the cause of holes we found in the ground (could they be Easter Bunny tunnels?!)

But the learning of the day, in fact the quote of the day was Noah’s incredible reading of a memorial. He used his fabulous reading skills of using picture clues to help him read the words……..

"It says eagles love vegetables"!
“It says eagles love vegetables”!

(Sorry for the poor quality of the photo but staff may have been shaking with laughter). The memorial featured 2 white doves with olive branches in their beaks.

“It says “Eagles love vegetables”!” – Noah

Who’d have thought there could be so much to learn out and about!

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