Let’s link with NZ . . .

REMINDER : Group A need their swimming kit for tomorrow

It’s been a day of culture today – kicking off with the Travelling Art Gallery. The bus pulled up at 8.50am and took pupils from P4 – P7 into a world of contemporary art. It was great to see how artists used the theme of childhood in their pieces.

Find out more by visiting:


We also received another comment from Melville Internation School in New Zealand. We decided this morning that we’d like to find out more about the culture in New Zealand. We’ve comprised the following questions which we’d like to ask Jamie and her class mates. We’re also hoping to make a Scottish themed Lochardil documentary to share with them. We’d like to thank them for mentioning us on their page. Check it out . . .


What is your national anthem?

What are your traditional foods?

What is the weather like where you live?

What is the story behind your flag?

What time do you start and finish school?

What religions do people follow?

How big is your town?

What’s homework like in your school?

What’s the national plant?

What music do you listen to?

Do you have any traditional dances?

What sports do you do?

What languages do you speak?

Is your town, Hamilton, named after the town Hamilton in Scotland?

Has anyone in your class been to Scotland?

We’ve attached it as a word document for our friend at Melville’s also if that’s easier . . .

Lochardil Questions for Melville Intermediate – CLICK HERE!

See you all tomorrow –
Mr.Cook, Mrs.MacLeod and Mrs.Prentice

10 thoughts on “Let’s link with NZ . . .”

  1. Hi guys!!!!
    thanks so much for the video!!!! our whole class loved it, especially me! 🙂 I didnt know that the bagpipes came from pakistan and I learnt alot about the thistle. 🙂 I learnt so much about scotland thanks to you guys 🙂 once again thanks so much for the video 🙂

    melville intermediate school
    New Zealand

  2. Thanks for your questions Elizabeth. We’ve got quite a few things on our calendar this week, however we aim to have a video answering all of your questions by the end of the week.


  3. That looks so cool! 🙂
    Hi there, my name is Elizabeth and I go to Melville Intermediate school. I am 12 years old and I love reading 🙂 I would like to ask you questions about your Country and your culture 🙂

    1. Where does the thistle come from?
    2. Is there a story behind the unicorn?
    3. What is the story of your flag?
    4. Do you have an ancient language?
    5. Where did the bagpipes come from?
    6. What do you celebrate in Scotland?
    7. Do you have famous dances
    8. What types of food do you eat?
    9. Do you eat animals?
    10. Do you usually speak English or Scottish?

    Please reply to my comment 🙂

    Room 5
    Melville Int. School
    New Zealand

  4. Thanks Mr Webb and Room 5 – We’ll check that out later today, or on Monday!


  5. Mrs Patterson,

    Thank you for getting in touch. It’s great to have the link with your school. Our pupils have enjoyed visiting your blog, and we look forward to the class answering some of our questions.

    We’re planning on making a mini-documentary next week. Watch this space . . .


  6. Hello
    Today in class we thought about ways of answering your questions and came up with the idea of creating a video on our class page that has the answers. Jamie went around and filmed a group of students from our school. We also uploaded the video to vimeo so you could embedd it on our page if you wanted to.
    Mr Webb and Room Five, Melville Intermediate School, Hamilton, Waikato, New Zealand. melvilleroom8.blogspot.com

  7. How exciting that you are corresponding with our school. I am the Deputy Principal at Melville Intermediate and I was thrilled to see that you are in Inverness for two reasons, one because in 2001 I had my first ever white christmas in Inverness. It was an amazing experience and Inverness was so beautiful with all the snow. I stayed in a small hotel by the river, right across from the church on the hill. The second reason is I have a friend who lives here and she comes from Inverness…. It is a very small world. I hope you enjoy talking with Jamie and her classmates. I look forward to seeing your documentary. Mrs Patterson

  8. The Travelling Gallary was really good I really liked the Beano picture because I love comics . 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 😉

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